1.Q: What is work?
1.A: Work is done when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force.
2.Q: What is the relationship between the direction of force, direction of motion, and work?
2.A: It is said that if the direction of motion and force are the same, then it equals work. The relationship is that to get work done and to have work, you need all of those key components like force and motion. The main component is the direction of the motion and force.
1.Q: Please explain in your own words what "mechanical advantage" means. Choose one simple machine and explain how it affects mechanical advantage.
1.A: I think mechanical advantage means that the way to make machines work by using a formula. It means you can use that formula to find out how, what and how much the machine can work in a period of time. One simple machine that uses mechanical advantage is the pulley and it affects and works as a weight lifter or any thing else like that.
1.Q: Rube Goldberg Log
1.A: We right now have a type of rube Goldberg on our hands right now and we are trying to make a theme and to somehow use the materials in a way that it will (goal) squeeze toothpaste onto a toothbrush.
1.Q: Rube Goldberg Log
1.A: Right now our group have all different idea's and we decided that we all make a sketch, and see who's is the most easiest, understandable and creative to get to our goal. I'm making right now a 3D sketch of the plan and layout and I want to see how it goes.
1.Q: Rube Goldberg Log
1. A: We chose a drawing and we updated it to our final plan. So now we are trying to get our materials and start working on the real project. The thing is that we don't have any materials and that all the teachers are either absent or sick. This is going to be a pretty rough and late start for us.
1.Q: Rube Goldberg Log
1.A: WE are done with the rough draft and we are starting the project. We have gotten done with the first objective in our Rube Goldberg which was our first inclined plane. We are still running out of materials. Our inclined plane is actually a Hot-Wheels car ramp that is bent into position for our marble to roll down into.
1.Q: Rube Goldberg
1.A: We are done with our ramp and it works pretty well, now we are making a inclined plane out of some piping and are making a drop for the marble, it is going on pretty good so far and we used up a lot of tape. We tried several trials and we failed most of them but at the end we got really good and we are confident in our work.
1.Q: Rube Goldberg
1.A: We are done with the 2 inclined planes and now started on a pulley mechanism. It is going to drop a marble on one side and then release a marble on the other side. we are doing pretty good so far and we found out that some one ripped of the piping so we spent most of the class period working to out it back in place.
1.Q: Rube Goldberg Log
1.A: We went into resource for today and the next day after that. I say we got a lot done so far and are on a tight schedule. It is due on Monday and we have 5 inclined planes ( we added 3 extra ones) and only one pulley, we don't know what to do about the other simple machines. But we worked really hard at resource and we finished as much as we could now. We tested it and did many trials. it went good.