Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Countdown to the LAST DAYS ON EARTH

Part 2/7
Have you ever thought of the end of the world? Or do you just care to much about yourself and other people. Since we are drawing near to all this legends and rumors that the end of the world is here like 2012 and Armageddon. People are smart enough to know that it cannot possibly happen, but can it? Not really 2012 when the Earth would collapse but from the skies above. Like the day we get hit by an asteroid or a nuclear war? I am going to follow you in the countdown to the seven sources that can destroy our world from the most unlikely, to the most immanent. And make it into the death planet that never was.

6. Intelligent Machines 

After scientists have found out some of the dangers that come from space, they moved on and came into planet earth, to look at what humans are doing with technology. Since each year the technology in our world is changing very rapidly, from computers, to new space shuttles all the way to music players, who knows when we are going to hit the breaking point. In this part of the Countdown, we bring you to number 6. Some of the most lethal technology in the world is finally coming to life, they have started to walk, talk and feel emotions. Made by our very own hands, will they help us to build a better world here on earth? Or will they turn against us in the future?

Technology has come a very, very long way since the ancient times. In the $th millennium we first saw the wheel, which revolutionized transportation forever. Then we started moving forward and started seeing modern things like cranes and old fashioned telephones. Now, now we have robots? Robots have been around since the ancient Greeks around 270 B.C because of the famous inventor Ctesibius. Because of him we have a thought for robots. He invented what was called "the first hydraulics pump" and also the first working clock. So, it has been a long time since robots have first been seen on our world, so you think they are probably the most complex and smartest things in the world right? Exactly. You are exactly right.

To us back in the old days, technology was only part of science fiction. The only way we could bring them into reality was from writers or scientists, now look at us, nearly after a century and we cannot live without computers or cellphones. So where will all this technology bring us. Will it be a "no work" world where robots do all the chores, or will they beat us to our own intelligence and dominant  the world? Computers can and have the capability of learning on their own with the help of other intelligences, mainly us. Now the result is more likely that computers have the power and knowledge to over take us in intelligence and therefore beat the dominant civilization on earth, us in the next hundred years. It is very, very possible, especially the way we are moving with technology.

A frequently asked question that always pops up is? Will robots take over the world? Scientists are not laughing at all to this matter. They say that massively intelligent machines could actually pose a threat to humanity. Is it possible for human beings to build, create machines, that are so powerful and so intelligent that it could really wipe us out? Yes, yes, certainly and i think it is going to be very possible in the next years to come. Machines have always been a genre of pop culture, with science fiction they where a dominant force in the novel and movie making industries. Take the movie "Terminator" where a evil robot is sent through time trying to kill a woman who will eventually, in the future destroy and wipe out all of the robots on earth. And take the movie I-robot where a man senses evil robots will take over and is soon to realize it is happening right under his feet...This is where science fiction has led us and if you look today. Gosh, they led us, very, very close to it. But so far, there is nothing close to a "massively intelligent" machine. But what about the intelligence of the machine, does it just stay like a big number say one billion for the rest of its life? The way technology is going now, the average intelligence of machines are increasingly multiplied by 2 every day. Take the number 2 for instance, then keep multiplying that number every minute until you get a gigantic number. That is how the brain of a machine works. About 30 years ago, the world strongest computer weighed about 30 tons, now a computer million times more powerful can fit into our pocket. That is the power of technology. Which leads us into the brain of a machine.

Artificial Intelligence or (AI) is most likely defined as the brain power and response of technology. Now a days, technology is going far beyond the human limit. Computers diagnosing our illnesses, machines working our factories and technology that can invest in our money and lives. Also beat us in chess. In 1997 a super computer named "Deep Blue" was able to beat humanities best chess player Gary Kasperov. The real problem of technology scientist are saying is the amount of intelligence it gains. Right now scientists are saying that AI is not hundreds or millions times greater than the human brain. But actually trillions. The question is now where will technology lead us? The more time we have with it, the more it is gaining control. Right now the military already has a couple of unmanned machines out but are still controlled by humans but the actual goal of the military is to have fully unmanned, AI controlled machines that will make life or death decisions on their own. So that is where we are finally going. AI is already getting to be more powerful and threatening than ever and we all know they have a little part in them which reads: we must take over the world. But now scientists are saying, if machines do have a any humanity, or even a little bit, they will cause more harm then good.

In the 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, we find ourselves with a group of astronauts who are flying to Mars, but on the way back to earth, the super-high tech computer which runs the entire ship, Hal-9000 makes decisions the crew doesn't necessarily like and will not take orders. Becoming self aware, Hal-9000 puts on a defense system and outsmarts all the astronauts, taking over the ship, bypassing circuits and eventually over hears the crew on taking him down for good. So he goes on a rampage murdering and actually choking and killing some of the astronauts in their sleep, which leads to the point most audiences say: "Is that what machines are going to be like?" The crew finds out a way to disconnect Hal-9000 but what if Hal was connected to other computers all over the globe? Scientists would say that they will have total control over everything. They will start running the economy, taking over our medical problems, our water supplies, our electricity and networks, soon the whole global network grid will be down and there is nothing we could do. So even if you give the robots a little bit of the human characteristics, they can turn against us and learn more than any of us in a blink of an eye.

So we have seen the origins of the first robots and soon of what to come in the future. The real question is, will they surpass the human brain billions and trillions times more, eventually becoming the dominant civilization on this planet. Will they turn against us since they are more powerful and far more intelligent? Yes it is possible but it isn't going to happened tomorrow or anything like that. The chances of getting machine-ruled is more likely than getting sucked up by a black hole but it won't happened in the near, near future. Maybe like in a hundred years or so. The thing is we already have machines and AI millions of times more powerful right now...and we are just waiting to make their decision....

Now we know the intelligence and power of machine rule which is scarier to know that we humans have made them with our own bare hands. Next time on the countdown, we go back to the city of Pompeii, a victim of one of the most powerful forces on the world, we cannot see, them, we don't know when they're coming, but they certainly know when the do come, they will burn the world up like burnt toast, and make us look like an apocalyptic world of chaos. There is no way to stop, it, know way to out-smart it. Only mother nature will have the final decision when to call it in.........

***Stay tuned on my blog for Number 5 on our Countdown coming soon!***

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Raymond from Raymonds Run

He is the brother of the fastest girl in the whole city. What would life be like of a mental/disability person? For once, this kids life is not so bad and that is all because of his sister, Squeaky. Since Squeaky is the fastest and probably the best in the whole track team, she can defend Raymond with her power. No one is going to make fun of him she thinks. But what does Raymond think? Does he feel safe or scared from his enemies? Raymond is a strong boy, so is his little sister. There family is pretty powerful you could say. Getting the education and safety the children need. Not much is said about the family but we know that Raymond cannot really do anything to protect himself. Raymond barely talks either, but for a person with a mental disability, he is the second fastest person on the track as stated in the story, next to his sister. This makes the family well known and together. And both Squeaky and Raymond as we know, at the end of the story, that there lives all will be changed forever.